I grew up in a pretty religious family and was taught in no uncertain terms that it was an absolute moral necessity to save the dirty deed for marriage, and a mortal sin not to.
Cut to…several years later and I’ve never been married but have done the naked times. So far this shirking of my moral duty hasn’t resulted in anything terrible, but we’ll wait and see, I guess.
I’ll never know what it would have been like had I stayed on that prescribed path, but the people behind these confessions do.
20. Guy stuff
Hey man, it’s all good.
Source: Whisper
19. The pain
The fact that’s often very painful at first for women seems suspiciously absent from abstinence education.
Source: Whisper
18. No takesies backsies
See, this is why I feel like it’s a bad idea. What if you’re not sexually compatible?
Source: Whisper
17. Ride in style
Welp, best of luck with all that.
Source: Whisper
16. Passed out
Sounds like a lovely memory.
Source: Whisper
15. The regret
Such a big part of life to leave to chance.
Source: Whisper
14. The cost
There’s a lot more to this story I’d be interested to know.
Source: Whisper
13. Two weeks
You’ll forever wonder what others would have been like.
Source: Whisper
12. Awaited
It sure does take a lot of patience.
Source: Whisper
11. Keep it
Glad it worked out for you. 🙂
Source: Whisper
10. Worth the wait?
She seems pretty happy about it!
Source: Whisper
9. It’s possible
Worth noting that by current standards 21 is quite young to tie the knot.
Source: Whisper
8. The feeling is mutual
Can you imagine how nervous you’d both be?
Source: Whisper
7. Promises kept
That’s quite a while to wait.
Source: Whisper
6. Hands to yourselves
Leave room for Jesus, now!
Source: Whisper
5. The right person
It’s good to know when you know.
Source: Whisper
4. Sinful
Woof, who are you gonna confess this to?
Source: Whisper
3. All in the family
Well that’s…a problem.
Source: Whisper
2. Oops
Not everybody loves it.
Source: Whisper
1. It has begun
When you’re not super experienced, you don’t know what to worry about.
Source: Whisper
Yanno, to each their own. My only two cents would be that it’s YOUR decision to make. No one else gets to dictate it for you.
What do you think about this?
Chime in in the comments.