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People Share the Most Disgusting Things They’ve Eaten While Stuck at Home


One thing that this lockdown has brought to light in a painful way is how many people out there ain’t too handy in the kitchen.

You know what I’m saying?

It makes sense: suddenly the world stops and when you’re not used to cooking at home, you’re suddenly thrown into a whole new world where YOU’RE in charge of your meals.

The horror!

People are sharing their less-than-stellar food concoctions online and we think you’ll definitely want to take a look at these.

Let’s begin!

1. Doing what you gotta do.

This isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


What did you do?!?!

3. Also known as “Bowling Alley Nachos.”

Did anyone else out there have Doritos used for nachos at bowling alleys, or am I the only one?

4. I don’t think those are safe to eat.

Yikes…sorry about that.

5. A pretty interesting dish.

I’d like to know how this one tasted…

6. Bacteria cakes!

They don’t look very appetizing.

7. Cheese for DAYS.

I’m guessing you didn’t have a lot of ingredients in the house?

8. Hahahaha. Yes!

That’s pretty clever, if I do say so myself.

9. Are you sure that’s pizza?

Not really sure what to call this…

10. Bon Appétit!

Feel free to dig in!

11. I can’t un-see this and I’m not happy about it.

A total nightmare.

12. My eyes!

This is really not good…not good at all…

Have you made any…unusual meals while you’ve been stuck at home?

If so, please tell us what you’ve been cooking up in the kitchen in the comments below.

We need some new ideas!

We look forward to hearing from you!