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People Share Their Personal Experiences With Pride Month

Source: Whisper

At the time of writing, we’re just a couple of days into Pride Month, and it’s been wonderful to see all the support from every corner of the internet (well…most, anyway.)

Pride means a lot of things to a lot of people, and today we’ve gathered some anonymously submitted stories about personal experiences associated with this special time, and the iconic parade and festivals associated with it.

10. “An amazing bonding”

That’s a big parade!

Source: Whisper

9. “So free”

Imagine being unable to be yourself for that long.

Source: Whisper

8. “All kinds of stupid people”

It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, even if you’re supportive.

Source: Whisper

7. “I was 110% lesbian.”

Well, way to go that extra mile!

Source: Whisper

6. “I came out”

A fitting place to do it!

Source: Whisper

5. “By myself.”

For some, it’s a pilgrimage, or a write of passage.

Source: Whisper


They a little confused but they got the spirit.

Source: Whisper

3. “Never been so happy”

It’s wonderful to hear things like this.

Source: Whisper

2. “Really become yourself.”


Source: Whisper

1. “It was the happiest day of my life.”

Such an incredible crossroads on the journey of so many.

Source: Whisper

I couldn’t be happier that the popularity of Pride is growing and growing. May we live to see a day when no one is made to feel they need to hide.

Have you had experiences with Pride? Tell us about them! We’d love to hear more from all of you.

Leave your stories in the comments.