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15 Photos Of People Who Are Having a Worse Day Than You


Let’s all sympathize with our fellow human beings for a few minutes, shall we?

These people are all having extremely sh*tty days, and we should pour out a little for them. Might be a 40 oz., might be a Zima, might just be a glass of water.


1. Fooled ya

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Snooze button

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Snowed in. For real.

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. That’s not good

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Wasn’t paying attention

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Unlucky

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Should probably just let that go

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Bro…

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Help yourself

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Ended in terror

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Ain’t what he meant

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Hahahahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. You need a designated driver

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Yes!

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. A crisis

Photo Credit: Twitter

Chocolate milk can be poured out as well if you wish…