There’s a theory that says “lame” jokes are so popular because they almost act as a common enemy. You’re not laughing and enjoying it because it’s genuinely hilarious, you’re laughing at the sheer audacity of the joke’s existence. As though you’re turning to your friends and saying “Can you believe this joke? The nerve!”
Let’s test that theory now with some jokes that are awful in the best possible way. Monitor your reactions closely. This is for science.
10. Bullseye
Via: someecards
9. Can’t brush it aside
Via: someecards
8. It really only works written down
Via: someecards
7. A fair test
Via: someecards
6. This is sparking joy
Via: someecards
5. Also Tom
Via: someecards
4. Healing for the soul
Via: someecards
3. Hoof it out
Via: someecards
2. It’s just yeast of here
Via: someecards
1. I call it car-bonara
Via: someecards
You’re probably experiencing a lot of emotions right now. Anger. Confusion. Head-shakefulness. That’s completely normal. Give yourself some time to recover from these jokes before going out and inflicting them on others, which you know you’re totally going to do.
What’s your favorite “groaner” joke to tell?
Share away in the comments.