Why can’t every celebrity be like Ryan Reynolds?

He’s handsome (naturally), but he also has one of the best senses of humor I’ve ever seen. And it’s because of that keen intellect and sharp wit that he was able to will the anti-hero Deadpool into box office success.

It’s in that spirit that Reynolds posted this hilarious series of shots from a recent photo shoot for Aviation Gin… and tore his kids a new one in the process.


Just in case you didn’t catch that caption…

Oh yeah, and The Rock tried to get in on the fun…

No ROCK! NO! You’re NOT funny. Go home!

But this is nothing new for Reynolds, who trolls his kids and his wife as only an expert smart ass can…

His daughter is gonna be FUNNY when she grows up…

Because, honestly, there’s nobody funnier in the game right now…


And, as mentioned, his wife is the target of his “take no prisoners” humor…


We salute you Ryan! Not because you’re funny. Everybody knew that. But because you take the piss out of your family on the regular.

They’re rich. They can handle it.