If you’re looking for a way to start your day right (along with coffee and a hot shower, obviously), we think these 12 memes are going to pave the way for a wonderful morning.

Even if they don’t, well…they’re still good for a laugh.

12. I still have nightmares from his author photo in the back of Where the Sidewalk Ends.

11. Oh man I just want to hug this guy.

10. I could not love this picture more.

9. It’s only a slight exaggeration.

8. That has to be his twin, no?

7. I am also not mad that I watched this.


6. Not sure you’re doing it right but I applaud you, nonetheless.

5. I mean I want to argue but it would work for me.

4. Wait, you mean THIS TIME you actually listened to me?!

3. Deep thoughts for your morning.

2. Let’s just delve into that statement.

1. You’re definitely doing it right.

I feel ready to tackle the day now, how about you?

Have a favorite? Did we miss something awesome? Post it up in the comments!