Growing up in a family of teachers, I’m very familiar with the fact that there are a lot of approaches to education, and a lot of theories about the best way to help people learn.
Here’s an interesting tidbit: social ridicule can be very effective in changing someone’s behavior, but, unsurprisingly, it doesn’t generally help them learn much. Which is why it’s always pretty gross to hear about teachers employing the tactic, especially with young kids.
A big conversation about this got kicked off on r/PettyRevenge with a post about a teacher who got the embarrassment tables turned on him.
It’s good to hear that there was an apology. And as bad teacher stories go (especially those on this particular subreddit), it’s a relatively mild encounter, but it still stirs up a lot of feelings.
The writer was pretty proud.
Source: gi_joe_kung_fu_grip on Reddit
Teachers with a healthier perspective chimed in.
Source: leroysamuse on Reddit
Turns out instructors like this aren’t popular with anybody.
Source: 3-orange-whips on Reddit
Why publicly embarrass a student other than for the sake of a power trip?
Source: Sunhammer01 on Reddit
It’s just not a good policy.
Source: wehav2 on Reddit
Kids get enough of that junk from their peers.
Source: ZeMagu on Reddit
The best authorities are caretakers, not bullies.
Source: JackCokeBroke on Reddit
You can teach someone facts or you can teach them fear.
Source: talesofentrapment on Reddit
One of the best virtues is having the humility to admit when you’re wrong.
Source: MikeTheAmalgamator on Reddit
Also in the thread: a few good Monday-morning comeback coaches
Source: CMDR_KingErvin on Reddit
Hopefully our classrooms will continue to move in a more mature direction. Keep calling out nonsense when you see it, kids.
What’s your worst class story?
Tell us in the comments.