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That Snapchat Filter Is Being Used for Nothing Good and We Couldn’t Be Happier

Have you seen those new Snapchat filters? Where they turn guys into girls and girls into guys?

Yeah, it’s huge.

And this guy used it to create a Tinder profile…

Yeah, you know A LOT more than two guys did this…

But you know that’s not all. So many more shenanigans are afoot with these filters.

I mean, can people really even be expected to contain themselves with THIS much power?

This guy made a video…

This account made George Constanza into a lady…

Okay, this isn’t fair…

Why do these look soooooo real?!

OMG! You are your brother!

Even Miley Cyrus got in on it…

Naturally, none of this has made us feel particularly good about ourselves…

Because we’re still us, right? Right?!?

I don’t know what’s real anymore.