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Popular ‘Don’t Say It’ Meme Captures the Struggle Between Your Brain and Your Mouth


Don’t say it. DON’T SAY IT!

Dammit, you said it.

Photo Credit: Pexels

The ‘Don’t Say It’ meme is trending for a reason: it’s hilarious and totally relatable. We all struggle with what our brains think we should blurt out and what our filter (stronger on some of us than others) knows we should not.

But who are we kidding, a lot of us can’t control it. WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER OUR IMPULSES. And it happens in all situations. Here are some perfect ‘Dont’ Say It’ examples that are destined to become classics.

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Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it…some weather we’re having, huh?