There’s an “ice labyrinth” in Poland that might actually be worth braving the cold for.


Snowlandia is a sort of winter amusement park located in Zakopane, a region on the southern border of Poland.

While they offer other attractions like sledding, skiing, and a “mini zoo,” their main attraction is an enormous maze, constructed of snow and ice and containing all sorts of hidden treasures.

The maze was first constructed in 2015, and has to be rebuilt each year.

It takes a crew of 50 people about a month to put it together, and sudden temperature spikes can reverse a lot of work quickly.

The structure owes its design to Derek Pytlik and Artur Haber, and takes around 60,000 snow blocks to complete.

It’s a big draw for tourists, especially ones with kids.

So bundle up, and don’t get lost.

A lot of folks refer to it as the “biggest” or “largest” maze of its kind, but we can’t find anything official to back that up.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest snow maze was created in Manitoba, Canada, and the largest ice maze was in Buffalo, New York.

Your guess is as good as ours as to what the difference is between those categories…

Getting lost in the cold isn’t most peoples’ idea of a good time, but this is tempting.

Would you brave the great Ice Labyrinth?

Let us know in the comments.