Unsolicited d%ck pics are NOT cool. And thanks to the extremely clever devils at the emoji factory (that’s where emojis are made, right?), the anti-dick pic brigade will soon have a brand new emoji weapon at their disposal.
The Unicode Consortium announced that 230 new emojis will be released this year. The new emojis include a lot more diversity, more animals and foods and tools, and… a pinching hand.
The pinching hand looks like a hand that is saying, “THIS SMALL.” As in, “This d%ck is THIS SMALL.”
Men and creeps everywhere are shook.
As they very well should be.
Men’s egos are fragile, especially when it comes to size.
And while women have always had the words “wow so small” at our disposal, something about a single emoji is just a whole new level of roast.
Unless dudes have good reason to believe that a woman is interested in seeing their d%ck, they probably won’t risk receiving this emoji in response.
Which means they’ll exercise greater caution, which is exactly what they should’ve been doing all along!
One small step for the Emojipedia, one large step for womankind.