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These 12 Cat Posts Might Be Relevant To Your Interests

Image Credit: Reddit

Because honestly, aren’t adorable and funny cats relevant to everyone’s interests all the time?

I say yes, and so do these 12 felines who stand ready and willing to earn your awws, today and every day.

12. No need to buy kitty any more beds.

11. So awkward it must be adorable.

10. When you find your bestie, you find your bestie.

9. The cat is funny but also that’s a really nice shower.

8. Cardigans make everyone’s autumn better.

7. “I say, that is one handsome cat.”

6. Snuggle up, little one.

5. Simba has nothing on this kitty.

4. I would like to bring a bit of autumn inside, please.

3. He’s nailed the crazy face, for sure.

2. There’s simply more of him to love.

1. That wiggle has killed me dead.

I think my blood pressure just dropped 10 points!

Do cat pictures do the same for you? If not, how do you relax?

Enlighten us in the comments!