Despite their sharp exterior, hedgehogs manage to be some of the cutest animals on the planet. Luckily, there’s an entire subgenre of Instagram accounts dedicated to these adorable creatures. So, enjoy these pr#ckly animal pals of Instagram!
1. Ready for a day at Disney World!
2. This dude has his sleeping cap on.
3. Hat? Flower? Hairdo? Who cares! It’s adorable.
4. Two friends. Two hats. One beautiful picture.
5. Happy to be here!
6. Look at that lil’ tongue.
7. It doesn’t get much cuter than those fangs.
8. “Allow me to serenade you.”
9. A fresh cup of cute.
10. How many ounces is that?
11. Look at these two enjoying a relaxing snack.
12. So photogenic.
I mean dogs are alright, but hedgehogs are CLEARLY where it’s at!