Hey kids, do you love the 90s?
Yeah you do! And now you’re going to get ALL of the 90s things you want!
Let’s go!
1. Accurate, except the POGs. Nobody had any f*cking POGS!
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
2. I can tell your future!
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
3. The first pet you ever killed
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
4. Anti-skip MY ASS!
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
5. The most difficult map EVER!
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
6. Literally something that had no use… and yet you owned a few of them.
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
7. Our right arms were so damn strong!
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
8. Yeah. These would cut you!
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
9. I will ALWAYS prefer the shocks. Always.
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
10. This is why people like Red Bull… think about it…
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
11. And if you didn’t do this… did you really have a childhood?
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
12. Were you a Flintstones’ kid? Because, if so, you were just eating candy.
Photo Credit: Buzzfeed
Did we miss anything from the 90s that you were particularly fond of?
Let us know in the comments!