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15 People Share How Bad Airports Are


There are a few places on earth that most people could agree might be one of the circles of actual hell – the DMV, Walmart on a Saturday afternoon, and the airport all come to mind.

These 15 people tweeted from airports and honestly, I think they’re making an airtight case.

15. I mean you should have known better than to ask.

14. Just focus on comfort like the rest of us, Cheryl.

13. They’ve even managed to ruin the people watching.

12. Get it right, adults.

11. It’s a major commitment.

10. An accurate depiction.

9. Deep thoughts.

8. All you want to do is buckle in and get ready to hold your breath.

7. It’s like the rapture happened except you went to hell instead.

6. Someone was hungry.

5. Freeing up your hands is an art form.

4. Are we sleeping together? Then no.

3. If only Greek choruses were still a thing.

2. Gotta be prepared for those layovers.

1. That’s what you’ll look like in the bathroom mirror, too.


Here’s to short layovers in your future!