A “hot take,” in case you’re a little out of the loop, is basically one’s unpopular opinion on a topic – any topic, really. Some are appalling (I don’t like dogs), while others are more tongue in cheek (what’s the point of a cupcake?) or downright funny (there’s no point in making pants without elastic waists at all), but these 15 people have one thing in common – they’re all set to tickle your funny bone.

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User The Hood Oracle put the question out to the universe, and y’all…it delivered.
#15. I actually second this.

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#14. He should be ashamed to show his face in public.

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#13. That’s…one take.

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#12. This might actually be a fact.

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#11. We don’t need remakes because they’re already perfect duh.

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#10. They add happiness to the universe, though.

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#9. Well alrighty then.

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#8. Who hurt you?

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#7. That’s just wrong.

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#6. It’s probably top 5.

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#5. Speak your truth to power, friend.

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#4. Them’s fightin’ words.

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#3. In a world where Chick Fil A doesn’t exist, maybe.

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#2. Can I get an Amen?

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#1. How DO they get it to do that?

Image Credit: Twitter
Do you have a hot take on something? Let’s hear it in the comments!