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19 Pictures Of Tall People In Weird and Funny Situations

There are challenges that go along with being short and with being tall, but if you’re the latter, then these 20 pictures are totally going to be your jam.

19. Those must be a bestseller.

18. Now that’s a problem.

17. A bridal party of Hobbits.

16. Get it, girl.

15. It’s probably because of the blanket.

14. So sweet.

13. This is a great photo series.

12. Tall people have that leg-spreading thing down pat.

11. Short people problem: it’s hard to be serious standing barefoot on a trunk.

10. Talk about a time saver.

9. That t-shirt though.

8. Well they definitely aren’t sharing clothes.

7. That just looks uncomfortable.

6. Maybe that’s just a short doctor?

5. The struggle is real.

4. I honestly don’t know whether or not I could fly.

3. This made me snort.

2. Tall people weren’t meant to go sailing.

1. Time saver!

Watch your heads, friends!