Meet the Bergerons! If you’re looking for some inspiration for your own family, look to these folks. They’ve been sending out hilarious Christmas cards since 2003, and parents Mike and Laura and their daughters “Gigi” and “Juju” nail it every time.
Take a look at this year’s card and cards from years past as Mike recounts the inspiration behind each pic. Enjoy!

Photo Credit: Imgur
2018: The West Texans — “We thought we would try to capitalize on the girls’ cuteness this year and leave most of the “awkwardness” to the adults (big thanks to Dione Cherie for doing the girls’ make-up.) When we went into the JC Penney Portrait Studio, Gigi was quick to let the staff know that we are famous. Laura then told Gigi that , “You’re not famous if you have to tell people that you are famous.” I can say from experience that the whole “Don’t you know who I am?” approach is pretty much useless if you’re looking for any free perks or special treatment, but it is almost certain to make you come off as a douche!
Anyway, after we did our various poses and finished the photo shoot, I showed the staff our catalog of cards on my phone and, sure enough, one of them said with a smile, “Oh yeah, I’ve seen these before!” So, Gigi was right, we are famous…it’s just that nobody knows what any of us looks like, since we’re pretending to be different people in all of our cards. So, it seems that we Bergerons have our own unique brand of fame – to be seen by many, yet recognizable to no one!”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2017: Gingers in Paradise — “We went in a slightly different direction this year, which required stepping out of the JCP Portrait Studio and using a photographer (big thanks to Marco Montenegro) at the local beach. This is our nod to the ever-so-popular holiday card theme that says “Look at us soaking up the sun’s rays in a beautiful tropical paradise while you’re freezing your nuts off…don’t you wish you were us?” Merry Xmas everyone :)”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2016: Cussin Jerry Nem — A little over a year ago, Gigi started calling me “Cousin Jerry.” It caught on with her little sister and, after a while, I started talking to them as I imagined Cousin Jerry would. Since then, he has become a regular visitor in our household, so it seemed fitting to share him with all of you this holiday season. If y’all are lucky, you may get to see “Creepy Larry” (another Gigi-inspired character) and his family in a future card…we’ll just have to see. Side note…and I feel like I say this every year, but…look at Gigi bringing it!!!”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2015: Les Modèles (AKA Fashionistas, AKA Euro Trash) — “His shoes – $850, her shoes – $950, spending your holiday with the Bergerons – priceless.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2014: The Holidays Are Such a Drag — “I doubt if anyone at the JC Penney Portrait Studio even thought twice about Laura and the girls, but it was a pretty busy year and we were waiting for about 45 minutes for the photographer to be available, so I am certain that my presence made a lot of people uncomfortable in the studio’s waiting area.
I had to hunt high and low for shoes that would fit me (thanks Lane Bryant) and, of course, I shaved my legs, so you can imagine how excited I was that we wound up choosing a shot from the waist up. And, seriously, how friggin’ cute are those boys? If we had given Gigi glasses, I think she would’ve looked an awful lot like Ralphie!”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2013: Jazz Hands — “Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle 🙂 Look at Laura…bringing it! Look at Gigi…bringing it! Look at Juju…well, protesting (at least she’s consistent). I am truly blessed.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2012: Goth Xmas — “This is your legacy, girls…embrace it!”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2011: The Unibrows — “I love the idea for this picture, but personally, I think it could’ve been better executed. Don’t get me wrong, we look funny & Gigi really gives the card a whole other dynamic with her incredible cuteness, but I think this concept had the potential to be our best card ever, if we had done it right.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2009: Los Cholos — ”This is my personal favorite. Some cards are obviously a joke, but when a card looks as real as this one, it is something special. Again, on this particular year, we weren’t able to take the picture until after Thanksgiving, so the JC Penney photo studio was very busy and we had to wait for an hour to get in.
Understandably so, Laura was nervous about walking around the Westminster Mall looking like we did, but I reassured her by saying, “Seriously? Look at us…nobody is going to f*ck with us!” I was right…not a single person would even make eye contact with us.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
2008: Merry Krishnas — We got started a little late this year, which meant that when we went to JC Penney to take our picture, there was a one hour wait. We walked through the mall and wound up eating dinner in the food court. I only wish that we had brought flowers.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
1981-2010: Olin Mills Family Portrait (from 1981-2010) — “May your holiday table be a smorgasbord of cheese balls, fruitcakes and hams! In many ways, this card best represents what we were trying to achieve from the very beginning. Our concept was inspired by the inherently awkward nature of holiday family photos that has now become so popular in the age of the internet.
We wanted to try to capture that awkwardness (in a next level sort of way) and give everyone we know the gift of having a funny card on their fridge that would capture the spirit of the holiday season. When they had people over to their house during the holidays, they could take pleasure in seeing their guests’ reactions upon viewing the card without realizing it was a joke. On a side note, as a bald man who has known his entire life that he would grow up to be bald, it had been a longtime aspiration of mine to sport a combover at some point because they are so fascinating in their ridiculousness!
So, this particular card allowed me to not only fulfill a lifelong dream, but also to capture it in all of its glory for the ages 🙂 …and look at Gigi, only 2-months-old and already making silly faces with the rest of us…what a natural!”