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This Guy Disguises Himself in All of His DMV Photos — #MyNewHero

©Twitter, JonoZalay

Comedian Jono Zalay has a hobby, and it’s one of the best ones I’ve seen thus far in my lifetime.

He trolls and makes fun of the one organization that we all hate: the DMV.

Zalay’s ploy? Taking incredible photos of weird characters when he has to get a new photo for a license. The best part? His father started the family tradition back in the 1970s.

Here’s a collage of his old license photos.

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

And for his latest license photo, Zalay documented his complete transformation into a punk rocker.

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

Photo Credit: Twitter,JonoZalay

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

And here’s the final product.

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

Even his bro is getting in on the action…

Photo Credit: Twitter, JonoZalay

This guy and his family are my new heroes!