It’s always kind of fun to get a sneak peek into other peoples’ homes…especially when those homes are just plain weird.

An Instagram account called Terrible Real Estate Photos does just that and it’s a lot of fun…and it’s very educational.

Here are some of the best and most bizarre photos from the account.

Let’s take a look.

1. Right on the beach!

Looks like it’s been empty…for a while…

2. How many refrigerators does this place come with?

You always need a backup…in the same room…

3. Looks like a nice pad.

Complete with a tribute to Grumpy Cat…

4. The bathroom might need a light scrubbing.

Or a Hazmat crew might need to be called in.

5. The toilet doubling as a nightstand is a nice touch.

I don’t think I’d want to spend the night in that place.

6. Why all the plastic, people?

I think my head might explode in this room.

7. Make yourself at home.

It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of rooms.

8. Is that thing dead or alive?

Not going near this one…

9. Looks like an optical illusion.

Like a weird sci-fi movie that you can’t escape from.

10. HOLY sh^t.

You’re now about to see the scene of the crime.

11. Look closely at the shower…

All kinds of weird stuff going on in here.

12. Get up close and personal with that TV.

And hope that it doesn’t fall in the middle of the night.

Yowza! Those are a little rough, huh?

Have you ever been welcomed into someone’s home and you found it to be just flat-out bizarre? Or dirty? Or something else?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

Please and thank you!