Over the past several decades, there has been a massive movement – rightfully so – to be consciously encouraging to girls and women. They’ve been told they can do anything and be anything and taught to get an education and take care of themselves, all of which is important and wonderful and necessary.
But while boys and men may not need as much reminding that they can do anything or be anything (they’re given that privilege by society, after all), boys and men do need to be reminded that their emotional needs are valid and matter and do not make them less of a “man.”

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That’s the crux of the issue of “toxic masculinity,” a concept many are starting to believe is behind many of the emotional issues rampant in male culture.

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Basically, the belief that boys and men need to be tough and stoic and stay guarded in order to be a “real man.”

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But it’s not real. NONE of it is real.

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It’s damaging, and one Tumblr user’s post about how she takes care of her boyfriend’s emotional needs is really putting things into perspective.

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And others are responding with their own stories about how they remember to take care of the men in their lives, not just physically, but emotionally, and how much they like it.
And more than that, how much they need it.

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And it seriously messes with men’s ability to relate.

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Because guys who can open up emotionally? THOSE are the keepers.

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Trust these ladies. They know!

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The fact that women can feel unsure or uncomfortable when handing out compliments, sympathy, or encouragement to men is only proof that toxic masculinity affects everyone in our culture, not just men.

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And yes… guys like flowers too.

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Because they have just as many insecurities as anybody else.

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They could also use compliments.

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I repeat… take care of your boys, yes.

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Or, you know…take care of each other. It’s the only way we’re all going to make it.
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