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This Woman Wrote A Gorgeous Tumblr Post About Her ‘Biggest Fear In Life’

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Taylor Myers, the Ohio poet behind Honey Yellow on Tumblr, recently made a post that has people shook.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

The post stems from people asking her about her biggest fear, which she discovered when taking a class called “Relationships for Life.”

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Tumblr was blown away.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Myers was surprised to find this was her most popular poem. She decided to give a bit more background on her poem and the class.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

As we grow older, we learn that love is more than just a feeling. It’s a choice we make, day in and day out. Tumblr users agreed.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Myers’ post (and her update) remind us that love is, ultimately, up to us. That’s both terrifying and empowering.
