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Woman’s Analogy About Consent and Rape Is a Good Explanation

For most of us, the original consent phrase “no means no” is completely and absolutely understandable. If somebody says no, you stop. Period. End of story. So why do some still not get it?

Enter Nafisa Ahmed.

She’s like us. She doesn’t understand how men are still unclear about consent.

So she uses an analogy to break it down…

And her use of money in this situation is important…

Because all of us understand what theft is…

And that means theft in ANY form…

Whether it’s provable or not…

And permission in the past DOES NOT equal permission forever…

It makes sense in pretty much any context…

So yeah… how does rape not compute if we can understand why we SHOULD NOT take $5 that doesn’t belong to us?

Naturally, the man boys came out with their tired sh^t…

But most of the feedback was positive, and that gave Nafisa hope…

We learned this when we were two. Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you. That’s all you need to know.

End of story.