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7 Photos of People Who Are Freeloaders

There exists a segment of society who should not be allowed near any social media page, app, or forum. This group of entitled human beings believe this is their world and we are just allowed in it from time to time. And only if we are giving them stuff.

In Reddit-land, these folks are called Choosing Beggars. Cause…well, get it?

If you are looking for a way to increase your blood pressure to pre-dangerous levels, please enjoy a few choice stories. You. Are. Welcome.

1. Change your Netflix password early and often after ending any relationship.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This poor guy gets an unexpected collection message. No, not from Netflix, but from someone stealing his account.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The thief took offense.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Why, how dare the person paying for the Netflix account demand such a thing?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Ready for more?

2. Your worthless silver is no good here, apparently. Also, you’re an as$hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Whatever. Relax.

3. Life is full of disappointment.

Photo Credit: Reddit

She seems really put out by all of this.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This gets offensive pretty quickly.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, breathe. We’re moving on.

4. One would think one would be gracious accepting a life-saving organ.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But only if one’s donated organ was young and beautiful.

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. The world is a confusing place.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The inquiry begins innocuously enough.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Here are the samples. All looks well.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So how much would such work cost? I’m sure it’s a reasonable rate.

Photo Credit: Reddit

$5? Highway robbery, this guy says!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Then…a counter offer.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. People suck.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Someone somewhere is looking for this opportunity.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But, just so that we’re clear here…

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Are you back from hitting your head against the wall? One more…

Photo Credit: Imgur

The best part of this whole entitlement issue is that no one let these whiners get away with anything. So, take a deep cleansing breath and consider yourself lucky that you only got to read about them.
