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14 Tweets About Being in Your Twenties That Are All Too Real

©Unsplash,Katy Ward

Your twenties are a turbulent time. You’re supposed to now be “an adult” but you still haven’t really figured out what you’re supposed to do or what’s next.

It can be very confusing and downright frustrating a lot of the time.

But…you can also have a lot of fun as well, because at that age, who gives a sh^t?

These tweets sum up that unusual decade very well…enjoy.

1. A real mind f*ck.

2. I remember it well…

3. It’s all true.

4. How could you?!?!

5. Fun while it lasts.

6. Seriously…what are you doing?

7. Plenty of time.

8. Here’s the list.

9. That’s a good goal.

10. Here are the lessons.

11. You think so?

12. Two sides of the coin.

13. It’s all a game.

14. Didn’t turn out as planned.

Well, those tweets definitely brought back a flood of memories for me.

Do you remember your twenties? Are you still in your twenties?

Drop us a line in the comments and tell us about your experiences! We’d love to hear from you!