It may be the biggest mistake you will ever make. You find a great woman (or guy) on paper and in person. Makes you laugh. Easy on the eyes. Hard-working. But…
…you’re too young for a relationship
…it’s too soon for a relationship
…you’re going for a raise or promotion and you can be distracted by a relationship
…you’ve always wanted to have s^x with someone taller than you and you can’t do that if you’re in a relationship
…you don’t want to be in a relationship
So many excuses for not committing. You play around hoping the other person will get tired of your sh^t and break up with you. Then you can be freeeeeeeee! Your former SO will still be there for you and then you can pick up where you’ve left off after you’ve grown a little, more time has passed, you got the raise/promotion, you’ve gotten your fill of strange, etc., etc.
But. This. Will. Not. Happen.
Your perfect woman will not be there for you because she was already “grieving your loss,” while you were acting like a jerk. Once she’s done…she’s done. She will move on. Scientific Twitter Research has shown this to be true.
Twitter user Rev Rell give us some background information on her friend who let “the one” get away.

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But did he do any sort of soul-searching to figure out what he really wanted? Spoiler: no.

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The fact that his former girlfriend had actually moved on surprised him. Why? Dunno.

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Oh, dear. A misunderstanding. She probably couldn’t make herself clear because she was too busy hurling his sh^t out the window.

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So, just want to put this out there now: Stalking is not romantic.

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Not suprisingly, other Twitter-ites agreed.

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Such a good friend and so much good stuff here. ARE YOU TAKING NOTES??

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Basically he needs her to make him a better man for someone else.

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Take people for granted much?

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The cloistered nun convent must have been closed.

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Is six months in the breakup handbook?

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It’s perfectly acceptable to cry at weddings.

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I bet hearing this guy whine about losing the girl has been a real pleasure for all his friends.

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These are things people need to know.

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Real love advice on Twitter. Appreciate the people that love you and never take them for granted. And, if you did lose, then lose gracefully and let her find happiness.