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“Unicorn Armpit Hair” Is a Beauty Trend Now and We Need to Pay Attention

Official Rainbow Girl started this amazing trend back in 2016 with this tutorial on how to get that armpit hair looking rainbowlicious!

And really, who are we to disagree with somebody named “Official Rainbow Girl”? I mean, she’s official THE Rainbow Girl, so we have to trust her.

Well, it’s 2019 and the rainbow armpit hair trend has official caught fire on Insta and adopted the hashtag #UnicornPits.

So let’s do this, people! Let’s look at people’s multi-colored armpit hair!

Because why the f*ck not? What else do you have to do today?!


Super styling…

Again, why the f*ck not, right?

These are all beautiful. ALL OF THEM!

I can’t look away, nor do I want to!

Another one? Bring it on!

Is that a rainbow? I don’t care! Close enough!

And there she is! Official Rainbow Girl!

Thank you Official Rainbow Girl for being all official and rainbowy!