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Woman Explains Important Lesson On Why She Chooses to Be Standoffish in Public


In a changing world, women are trying harder and more often to help men understand what it’s like to simply exist everyday inside a female body.

Spoiler alert: it’s awesome but also it’s a lot of trouble when you’re around men in public, even on occasions when you’re not genuinely scared for your personal safety.

That’s exactly what men could get out of this Twitter thread, if they’re ready and willing to listen.

Part one

Part two

Part three

Part four

Part five

Part six

Part seven

Part eight

Part nine

Part ten

Part eleven

Part twelve

Part thirteen

Part fourteen

Part fifteen

Part sixteen

Part seventeen

Part eighteen

Part nineteen

Woman here, and agree 100%.

I’m not alone, either – promise!

Creepers don’t deserve the attention…

Why do they want to know anything anyway?

It’s about protecting ourselves!

So just BACK OFF!

Listen and learn, awesome males. It’s long past time to give us the floor on this one.