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‘I saw this cow run to catch up with her friend (also a cow) who was waiting for her.’


You might not spend much time thinking about cows and whether or not they have like, social lives on the farm. If you happen to live in the part of the country where cows are common sights on the side of the road, you might look at them and think, well…there doesn’t seem to be a lot going on upstairs.

And while that may or may not be true, this video shot by a Twitter user seems to prove that they do have a lot going on in their hearts.

Just watch as one cow runs at full speed (My family is from Iowa, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cow do that, honestly) toward another one, standing still in the field.

As the running cow approaches, the standing cow waits until she gets there, then the two of them amble off together into the sunset.

Off to get a glass of wine? Gossiping about their friends? Complaining about motherhood or nipple chafing?

Your guess is as good as mine, but other people on Twitter had some truly hilarious (and touching) thoughts about the entire encounter.

They’re that friend…

Just like me and my BFF…

Going vegan soon…

Is this actually a fact?!

The next time you see a field of cows, I bet you won’t look at them the same way after this!