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Should Mother’s Have Careers? Blogger Creates Flow Chart That Causes Controversy

Buckle up, folks. This is a bumpy one.

There has long been tension between mothers who stay at home with their children and mothers who work outside the home. The fact that this issue is rarely raised when it comes to fathers is telling. Ultimately, women do what works best for their situation and their family, and we should all respect their choices, right? Right?!?

Enter The Transformed Wife. According to her Facebook page, her purpose can be summed up in a Bible verse: “The aged women may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”


She drew the attention of the Internet when she posted this chart:

Photo Credit: Facebook


First of all, raising kids is a tough job, and lots of mothers are tired, whether they stay at home or not, as this poster explains:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Of course, The Transformed Wife responded with understanding:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Another poster points out that she doesn’t have to do everything, because her partner isn’t a steaming pile of trash:

Photo Credit: Facebook

This poster just has fun with the whole situation:

Photo Credit: Facebook

And finally, this poster provides a balanced response, also from a Christian perspective (it’s long, but a good read):

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

I think that last line pretty well sums it up.

Motherhood is hard, and y’all rock. Hang in there.