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Were You a Kid in the 90s? These 18 Pictures Will Give You Flashbacks.

Image Credit: Twitter

The world is kind of on fire (and also literally on fire), so more and more, some of us are yearning for the simpler time when we grew up.

It was the 90s – the internet was in its infancy, cell phones were something our parents used for emergencies only, and the television shows we watched were delightfully wholesome and cheesy.

If any of this describes you, then there’s a good chance at least a few of these images are going to get your nostalgia going full steam.

18. These were our text messages.

17. Book order day!

16. Those heavenly smells.

15. There was something just so satisfying about the whole process.

14. Those neverending multiplication worksheets.

13. Getting up to use one of these so you could show off your outfit.

12. You know that square pizza is the best pizza.

11. You loved topping your pencil with a troll.

10. Do they still torture parents with these?

9. Showing off your monkey bar skills.

8. Nothing compared to parachute day in gym.

7. I just got a flood of pure joy.

6. The only place you could store your pencils.

5. The best and only way to predict your future.

4. Unless you count this one, of course.

3. At the ballpark or at school, ice cream was supposed to taste a little bit like wood.

2. All of our collective favorite memory.

1. Or the fun of making shadow puppets on the screen.


I mean, I don’t want to go back to high school or anything, but these pictures definitely gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling.

What’s something you miss about the “good old days?”

Share it with us in the comments!