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What Even Is the “Talking” Phase? 10 People Share Their Thoughts.

Source: Whisper

Today we’re going to discuss the single most controversial topic of our age: IS A HOT DOG A SANDWICH?

Wait. No. That’s another article.

I guess today we’re discussing the SECOND most controversial topic: what the hell is going on with the “talking” phase of a relationship? When I was a kid, it wasn’t even a word we used in regard to dating. Granted, I was a kid at the time, so I guess I wasn’t dating. What I mean to say is – this particular designation seems fairly recent, and you get the impression that hardly anyone can agree on how to even define it, much less how we should feel about it.

So, what’s the deal with talking? Here are 10 anonymously submitted opinions on just that.

10. 50 shades of grey

Some folks just wanna know right away.

Source: Whisper

9. The wallflowers

Please @ me next time.

Source: Whisper

8. Talk the talk

Sounds like a good match. 🙂

Source: Whisper

7. Comment and commit

Realistic or just defeatist?

Source: Whisper

6. What’s the issue?

There’s something oddly sad about the term “decent personality.”

Source: Whisper

5. Only have eyes for you

Attitudes like this confuse me – isn’t the lack of exclusive commitment the whole reason it’s called “talking?”

Source: Whisper

4. Looking ahead

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Source: Whisper

3. What’s the point?

I…don’t know how to argue with this.

Source: Whisper

2. A site to behold

“Now get off the site! Hahha ;)”

Source: Whisper

1. I get high

With a little help from my might-be-more-than-friends.

Source: Whisper

Personally, I don’t feel like I’m any closer now to having a clear opinion on this whole “talking” thing, but these posts have given me a lot to think about.

How do you feel about it?

Tell us in the comments.