2020 was the year that so many of us realized how just dependent we are on our hair styling routines. Whether you’re someone like me who simply turned into Tarzan for want of a trim, or you have a more demanding regimen, it sure isn’t fun to find yourself reliant on something you can’t access.

Folks who regularly dye their hair tend to need to re-up every few weeks or so, which is a problem all its own, and many who do so to cover the gray as they age are beginning to question why such a thing should even be necessary.

Enter colorist Jack Martin, who offers his clients an ingenious and stylish alternative.


What Jack does, essentially, is use the natural grays in a client’s roots as a template for creating a shinning silver effect which only needs to be reapplied a few times a year. The results? Well, they speak for themselves.

15. Jack Martin at Work

Here’s the man himself explaining a bit of his process.


14. Seeking Gray

“I started the long process by removing the artificial black dye.”


13. Transformation

“I created the silver strands in foils”


12. Monday Musing

“Total service: 9 hours.”


11. Tennessee Beauty

“She was extremely tired of coloring her hair every 3 weeks.”


10. Natural Beige Balayage

I was today years old when I learned that hair insurance is a thing.


9. Brassy to Icy Silver

“I started the long process by cutting her length about 3 inches with layers”


8. Treatment, Toner and Trim

“A lot of people, stylist and clients asked me to post a photo of how my silver transformations look like after a few weeks.”


7. American Salon

It’s a very involved process!


6. Salt and Pepper Look

“This beautiful client came to me from Nothern California”


5. Behind the Chair

Props to the clients for wearing masks.


4. Beverly Hills Hair

“Shampooed, conditioned, cut layered bob and styled with round brushes.”


3. Light and Dark

Long story short.


2. Black and White



1. Grey Hair Don’t Care

That’s a hashtag that should really take off.


Pretty fanatic transformations! No word on what he charges for this particular treatment as it most likely varies from client to client. But if those descriptions are any indication – it’s not cheap!

Would you consider doing something like this?

Tell us in the comments.