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Worth Going in to Work if You’re Two Hours Late? 15 People Share Their Plans.

vImage Credit: Pixabay

You know the nightmare scenario – you wake up only to realize that it feels way too late, a glance at your phone tells you that indeed, you have overslept.

And not just a little bit, like you could skip fixing your hair, put your shoes on in the car, and still slide in with an “oopsie” face and promise to stay a little late.

If you woke up a full two hours late, would you still go to work? These 15 Redditors are weighing in on the topic, and I’ve gotta say, they make some decent arguments.

15. I mean but you’ve gotta call.

Late = doghouse.

No call no show = fired guy

14. Real talk.

When I wake up on time I still have this dilemma.

13. Generally speaking.

My current job?

No, it’s f*cking hell and it makes me miserable.

But in general yeah I would go.

12. I need this to be a thing.

There’s this thing in germany we call “gleitzeit” it lets you come and go whenever u want between 7:00 and 20:00 as long as you fulfill your daily target time.

So you basically have 13 hours time to get your 7-8 hours of work done

11. You gotta think of your friends.

I’d still “go in”.

My job is home based and salaried though. As long as I work an hour I get credit for a full day.

Back when I was bartending – same answer. Being late in the service industry is putting your work onto someone else. Get there so whoever is covering for you can go home or so everyone’s workload becomes more manageable.

10. In the idea situation, you just don’t want to get behind.


I’m usually punctual and my boss is not a huge pain in the ass.

Also, if I don’t go, the clients are more of a pain than my boss and the next day I’d have to overwork myself to catch up on work.

9. Well pin a rose on your nose.


I have flexible work hours and as long as I fulfill my work duty within the month, I’m okay.

8. That’s an easy decision then.

For my job?

I’d get an official warning if I was two hours late.

If I didn’t show up at all I’d likely get fired.

7. It’s a whole decision tree.

This is basically how I do it:

I wake up and realize I’m 2 hours late

Am I hungover?

Yes: Call in sick
No: Go in and bring donuts/biscuits/bagels for everyone to make up for it
Am I sick?

Yes, but I don’t feel horrible: Work from home
Yes, and I feel like death: Call in sick
No: Go in and bring donuts/biscuits/bagels for everyone to make up for it
Is the late commute going to be abysmal because of traffic incidents?

Yes: Work from home
No: Go in and bring donuts/biscuits/bagels for everyone to make up for it
Do I feel stressed from work lately?

Yes: Call in sick and take a mental health day
No: Go in and bring donuts/biscuits/bagels for everyone to make up for it

6. Yikes, it’s like being back in school.

I’d get a demerit which my company takes very seriously

3 demerits and you’ll receive a citation

5 citations and you’re looking at a violation

4 of those and you’ll receive a verbal warning

Keep it up and you’ll receive a written warning

2 of those will land you in a world of hurt in the form of disciplinary review written up by dwight and placed on the desk of his immediate superior

5. Is it, though?

Better to show up late than never

4. What is this point system nonsense?


My job has a point based attendance policy. Being late less than 1 hours is half a point, over an hour is 1 point. Calling off is also 1 point. We can call off up to three hours into our shift. After three it is considered a no call no show, which is worth 3 points.

So no, it isn’t worth even going to work by their policy.

3. Only probably?


Flight would be cancelled. And I’d probably be in big trouble.

2. Food fixes everything.

If you’re going to be late, be late enough to bring snacks.

1. I guess you can’t go wrong either way.

I’ve done both, the first time I was honest, called as soon as I woke up, told my boss I overslept and that I’d be going as soon as possible. Then a few months later, the same happened, it was a Monday morning, called in sick and sat at my couch for the whole day doing absolutely nothing, it was glorious.

It also depends a lot on many different factors, what kind of job it is, how screwed your co-workers could be if you don’t show up (if you care about those things, in my case it doesn’t affect them at all), how your company manages this situations, how many “strikes” you have already and so on.

Bottom line in my personal opinion is that mental health is really important so if you need one day off to recharge your batteries I’d do it, if you’re not going just for the sake of it, also, still valid, but be aware of the possible repercussions it may develop.

I don’t think I would have gone, back when I had an office job. If the sick hours were in the bank, I’d probably just have used those to save face.

What about you? Tell us where you would land and why in the comments!