Obviously nobody gets all the way through this life without hitting some mental peaks and valleys, but doesn’t it sure seem like there are some folks out there who just kind of skate through happy and healthy while the rest of us are doomed to fight our own brains for an ounce of control?
Or is that just me?
It’s definitely not just me. All the proof I need is in the fact that these memes exist. These terrible, wonderful memes for perpetually anxious people.
10. Stack it up
I was gonna say something about the memory loss bit but I forgot.

Via: Pleated Jeans
9. Absolutely fearless
Please don’t make me do stuff.

Via: Pleated Jeans
8. Not all it’s cracked up to be
I missed the sight gag in the second panel at first – brilliant.

Via: Pleated Jeans
7. Find out
Oh yeah, we’re gonna be going hard and intense all night long.

Via: Pleated Jeans
6. Mixed signals
Can ya’ll just show yourselves out and let me sleep a little maybe?

Via: Pleated Jeans
5. It me
The internet has a lot of nerve being this insightful.

Via: Pleated Jeans
4. The waiting
If you have to say something like this, add a qualifier.
A simple “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad” can add years to our lives.

Via: Pleated Jeans
3. Good point
This is the lost art of argumentation right here.

Via: Pleated Jeans
2. It’s happening
Just let it happen.

Via: Pleated Jeans
1. Just in theory
When your simulation machine is going haywire.

Via: Pleated Jeans
I don’t know if I feel better or worse now. Maybe both?
How anxious are you today?
Tell us in the comments.