Dr. Stephen Strange is one of the coolest magicians in the history of comics, and the new Marvel film, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is here to delight and entertain us.
So what better way to celebrate the Sorcerer Supreme than diving into Tumblr and finding some fandom content to surprise and amuse us.
And yes, we’ll also be talking about the Scarlet Witch, because she’s a big part of this too. Don’t sleep on Wanda Maximoff because she’s coming for Stephen Strange and America Chavez in this movie, and she’s NOT messing around. #angrymama
Btw, if you haven’t seen the movie… I mean… some of this could be a little spoilery.
So just… beware!
1. First, some pro tips to enjoy the movie.
You can watch them before or after. Both work.
2. Stan post for the Cloak of Levitation
I’ve never wanted a cape, but now I do.
3. It’s not Wanda…
It’s the Scarlet Witch!
4. Okay Tumblr, you’ve made me cry again.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
5. Wanda Maximoff deserves better
Hopefully she’ll find it someday.
6. The many faces of Stephen Strange
There are multiple versions of him in this movie, btw. Yanno, b/c multiverses and stuff.
7. It was genuinely chilling
If you watched Wandavision, you’d know.

Photo Credit: To Grow Old In -V/Tumblr
8. That’s actually a pretty good summary
I’m seriously laughing.
9. That anger tho!
Don’t mess with a mama bear!
10. One of the scariest moments
For sure!
11. That scene.
When you see it, you’ll know it.
12. He did treat them differently!
No chill with Peter Parker. But he can handle it.
13. I mean, you knew it wouldn’t end well.
That was a given.
14. That’s a complicated relationship
And I want to see more of it, pronto!
15. I think a lot of folks were thinking this.
I know I was.
16. If you’re having Strange withdrawal…
You can definitely give Moon Knight a try.
17. I mean, they’re not wrong.
The MCU can be a tricky place
18. For the Sam Raimi stans out there.
If you know, you know.
19. When you see it, you know!
Don’t worry, this won’t ruin anything.
20. Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.
Do that. I’ll just wait here…

Photo Credit: JJeanGrey/Tumblr
21. I mean… she’s gonna come back.
22. Let’s give it up for these effects!
Marvel Studios is full of literal wizards.
23. Wanda has a great point.
It’s not fair. At all.
24. To sum it all up.
Real talk.
25. Okay one more thing.
See, we didn’t spoil too much!
And we dug up so much great Scarlet Witch content too!
Because, yes, Tumblr LOVES Wanda Maximoff. Maybe a little too much.
Did you see the film? What did you think?
Let us know in the comments!