If you have a certain witty, slightly acerbic sense of humor (or if you follow pop culture religiously) then there’s no better place for you on the internet than Tumblr.
It’s where you will find your tribe, and if you don’t believe me, I offer these gems as incontrovertible truth.
1. Why do I get in the way of me so frequently?
I’m sure I’ll get to it tomorrow.
2. Should we tell them?
I think we should tell them.
3. We’ve got a winner!
Or should it be we’ve
4. I’d be crying too!
Where are the tucks, mom!?!?
5. Best graffiti I’ve ever seen.
How strict was that mother?!

Photo Credit: burjacore/Tumblr
6. Ringo still can’t get any respect.
Even when he’s a lime.
7. Yeah, that’s actually a totally random way to mess up somebody’s life!
Stop doing that, wizard!
8. Didn’t go according to flan.
I’m not a fan of the other name, tbh.
9. Wouldn’t have been much of a story that way.
I like the thinking, though!

Photo Credit: sirobvious/Tumblr
10. Ms Fabulous!
Imagine having this bird in your life!
11. Okay, who thought of this?
And who’s the fan of Adventures of Tintin?
12. I’d pay good money for that concert
It would be the cutest ever!
13. This looks like it was taken on another planet.
No rainbow can match it.

Photo Credit: philcoolins/Tumblr
14. THAT’S how you keep them together?
How did I never think of that?!?
15. Huh. I guess fruit snacks really are impossible to resist.
Confirms ALL my suspicions.

Photo Credit: dicaeopolis/Tumblr
16. It went FAR.
Way to go sports!

Photo Credit: devipotato/Tumblr
17. That wouldn’t be a bad national anthem!
John Denver would be proud.
18. In a nutshell.
Don’t you love part time gigs?

Photo Credit: xeniawarriorprincesa/Tumblr
19. I wonder what Heavy Weird would be?
Or Light Weird.
20. All aboard the hot chocolate train!
Express delivery right to your seat!
21. His name must be Quicksilver.
Fast as fast can be!

Photo Credit: eggcup/Tumblr
22. I’m not gonna tell you what kind I am.
But you can probably guess.
23. That is oddly specific. Peak Tumblr.
I don’t dream. Is that weird?
24. I love Noogle
They have all the best Rearch Sesults
25. Reading it is almost as good as the real thing.
I can hear it now.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
26. The horror!
27. A little glass will not stop him.
Crunch crunch crunch

Photo Credit: i-am-a-fish/Tumblr
28. Oh, it’s on!
An battle that has spanned the test of time.
29. Pup fusion.
We have the technology!
30. Oh no.
When WAS the last time I jumped?!?

Photo Credit: acoolguy/Tumblr
31. I really want to do this.
Who’s with me?
32. Snapped right out of it.

Photo Credit: digivolvinTumblr
33. My finger is at the ready!
Don’t fail me!
34. A brush with comedy
At least they’re honest!
35. A strange meating
My butcher is getting far too suggestive.
36. If the shoe fits…
…fling it up in the air!
37. A short break to feel good about the world.
This is the type of content that will warm your heart.
38. Be kind.
Rinse. Repeat.
39. Okay, my mind is official blown.
How big would those trees have been!?!?
40. I can believe this happened.
Cults are weird.
41. Under the feels
I’ll have to try sobbing in the dirt sometime.
42. Guaranteed to make you smile
Look at his strawberry!!!
43. They’ve got a point…
Oh wait, there’s fossils. Nevermind.
44. Is this true?
Because that would be an amazing piece of Tumblr lore!
45. I bet they have a lot of fun.
One of the best shows of all time, tbh.
46. A big disappoint….
47. One day at a time, fam
It’s okay, you’ll be fine.
48. Not all of us can rise to the occasion
Uh oh… please don’t talk to me.
49. Yeah, I’m complicated.
But I’m not gonna apologize for it.
50. I’m probably a Gemini?
But I’m actually a Capricorn, so…
51. A very 2022 pirate
New media is so easy to snatch.
Tumblr people are definitely my kind of people! But the question is… how much do YOU love Tumblr?
1) A lot
2) A whole lot
3) More than life itself
There are no wrong answers. But there are more posts! So check this one out and this one too if you want to keep tumbling! So much great stuff to enjoy on Tumblr.
Share yours in the comments!