Have you ever listened to The Cure? Do you love wearing black lipstick? Are vampires something you aspire to be?
Then you’re in luck! This is the post for you!
Because we’re grabbing some of the best goth content from Tumblr and bringing them straight to your mind hole.
Let’s go!
32. I like tragedy in my music.
With a hefty side of sadness and despair.
31. It hides the sweat.
Until it dries.
30. They take a while to dry.
They also make great curtains!
29. Goblin King FTW!
He will always be the coolest!
28. It’s tough being this powerful.
Any OG Sabrina stans out there?
27. It’s funny because it’s true.
They really don’t get me, but that’s okay. They try.
26. This shouldn’t make me laugh so hard.
Just some history for you in between all this sadness.
25. I’d go there every day.
Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh… I’m loathing it.

Photo Credit: vanessa-ghuleh01/Tumblr
24. Who has felt like Sarah at some point?
Me. That’s who.
23. Darkly accurate
Black sheep of the family, clearly.
22. When you get it…
You got it. I know you did.
21. Gotta make yourself visible!
Get out there Goths!
20. Accurate
Nocturnal animals are the funnest animals.
19. Wake up!
It’s night! Our favorite time!
18. I mean, it’s not that bad of a schedule.
Very steady and reliable.
17. Perfect decor really.
Along with all black furniture, sacred altars…

Photo Credit: resonantramblings/Tumblr
16. I mean… it’s a thing.
But hey, if they’re in love… who am I to judge? I’ll let the memes do that.
15. That moment when…
You know somebody’s watching you.
14. The 5 stages of musical Goth.
Some of the best times of my life.
13. Real goths know.
Who says you can’t be dark and dynamite!
12. Very punny.
I’ve gotta borrow this one sometime.
11. Happens a lot to goths.
“Yes Cynthia, the eyeliner is something I wear EVERY day.”

Photo Credit: Tumblr
10. Say it. You’ll see.
You saw. You said.
9. Oh look!
Dat me!
8. Whoops…
Clean up on aisle 666!

Photo Credit: blackaltarapparel/Tumblr
7. Oh baby.
They are the cutest, for sure.
6. You were right the first time.
But you were also right the second time. 😉
5. Gotta adjust to the day life.
And then I can be myself during the night life.
4. It’s not just clothing, ya’ll.
Gotta give up for the real OGs of the goth space.
3. They keep it real.
So show some respect, ya dig?

Photo Credit: Tumblr
2. Just let us like our memes pls.
Goth bands can be so overly serious…

Photo Credit: gothsplaining/Tumblr
1. Accurate look and time period. 10/10.
Band name? Solo artist?! We need to know!
Feeling a little better? Or a little GOTHer?
Go spread the pestilence far and wide! Share your favorite post in the comments.
And reblog, my black fam!