Woman Rats on Teenager Using Dad’s Credit Card, Then Gets ‘Karen’d’ by the Internet

Ah, the Karen meme. It’s a catchall for that nosy, superior, sniffy white woman who just cannot mind her own f*cking business. She needs to speak to a manager, NOW, and this woman who tattled on a teenager in the Bloomingdale’s checkout line shouldn’t be surprised that the people on Reddit are referring to her as exactly...

Women Share Their Horror Stories on Twitter of Working in a Male-Dominated Industry

Being one of the only women in a male-dominated industry is no picnic. I thought I had some stories, but nothing compared to the Twitter replies on @lameravioli‘s post: Photo Credit: Twitter Yikes! She also shared a couple of other incidents: Photo Credit: Twitter Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. Here’s one from a restaurant...

27 Times Teachers – And Students – Were Totally Inappropriate At School

Listen, I know kids do things at school that they’re not supposed to all the time, but the teachers? I always used to think they were on their best behavior while in role-model mode. Then some of my friends became teachers, and honestly, it’s not hard to imagine at least some of them confessing to things like this. These 27 students...

30 Times People Were 100% Creepy On Accident

We’re all a little creepy sometimes, I think, even though we usually don’t mean to be. For me, I know that I can get this 100-yard stare when my mind is puzzling something out, and sometimes, that stare seems to land on another person. For a long time. These 30 people had similar instances, and whether it happened to them or their...

30 People Confess How They Missed That Someone Was Hinting That They Wanted More

Hints can be risky business, y’all. People have different levels of confidence, strange ideas about communication, or you know, they’re just not paying attention – all of which makes a direct statement almost always better than a subtle hint, when it comes to something you really want. That said, many people are also terrified of...

29 Things People Said They Would Never Do Again

I actually think that a motto of “I’ll try anything once” is a fairly healthy one to have, with the exception of things like drugs and other stuff that could literally kill you on that “once.” That said, there are definitely things in all of our lives that we did once, but will never, ever do again. For me? Cliff...

31 People Who Can Now Laugh About The Dumbest Reasons They Were Dumped

Listen, relationships end for all kinds of reasons, and except in very rare circumstances, it’s one person who does the dumping. That said, most of us try not to dump people for absolutely stupid reasons – or at least, if we have to make something up we try to make it as nice and unassuming as possible. These 31 people were dating...

10 Couples Whose “How We Met” Stories Are Too Awkward To Share

I guess I was under the impression that most, if not all, couples love sharing where and how they met. It’s a cute story to pass down to your kids and grandkids, to let them know how love began and they all came to be . Apparently, though, some couples met in situations that are just too awkward for mixed company – but these 10 people...

11 Couples Confess To Why They Always Lie About How They Met

Most couples love telling the stories about how they met. They’re sweet, they’re funny, they’re totally unbelievable – whatever it is that makes the way we met special, we love to share that with other people. Unless, apparently, there’s something weird about it that you need to keep a secret…which is exactly...

10 Women Confess To An Obsession With Being Pregnant

For most women, being pregnant is an experience they wouldn’t change. That said, there are plenty of women who also wouldn’t call the experience enjoyable, exactly, and who are only willing to do it a limited number of times. Apparently, though, there are women out there who can’t get enough – they’re addicted not...

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