The “Talking” Phase – and Why it’s so Frustrating

Today we’re going to discuss the single most controversial topic of our age: IS A HOT DOG A SANDWICH? Wait. No. That’s another article. I guess today we’re discussing the SECOND most controversial topic: what the h**l is going on with the “talking” phase of a relationship? When I was a kid, it wasn’t even a word...

These Tweets Prove that Periods are the Worst. Period.

Full disclosure: I am what we in the business call “a guy.” And as a guy, one thing I have always been grateful for is the fact that I. Don’t. Have. To. Experience. Periods. Of course I only know about their horrors secondhand, but what horrors they are! I truly commend all of ya’ll whose bodies give you no choice but to...

20 Reasons We Should Just Stop Bringing Kids to Weddings

There’s a very important question we don’t talk about enough: should kids be allowed at weddings? Now you might be saying “What a stupid question. Of course they should! A wedding is about family and togetherness and marking an important day in the lives of people we love!” But bear in mind that we’re not talking...

20 Times The “Move In” Didn’t Go As Planned

From the Millennial generation onward, “Do you want to move in together?” has become almost a pre-proposal proposal. With less pressure on people to get married, more and more couples are trying out cohabitation first and seeing if it works out well, which, honestly, seems like a very wise path to take. But it doesn’t always go...

26 Surprising Secrets Husbands Have Kept From their Wives

We all keep secrets in relationships. Some of them are pretty small and inconsequential, others would be earth-shattering if they were to be found out. Trying to decide what needs to come out into the light in a marriage, and what’s OK to keep as a personal secret is one of the tougher things to navigate. But some cases are a little clearer...

22 Things People Actually Had the Nerve to Try and Return

There’s an old saying that goes “the customer is always right.” Unfortunately, it seems to have drifted quite a long way from its original context. Apparently it used to imply that if the customer said they preferred this thing over that thing, you should not try to argue with them, just sell them what they want. Sensible...

Workers Confess What They Get Up to When the Boss Isn’t Looking

Every once in a while you’ll come across someone who has their absolute dream job. You know that old saying, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life?” Most of us never fulfill that prophesy to its fullest. But occasionally, someone will. And when you meet that someone, you kind of want to punch them,...

Enjoy These Ridiculous Throwback Tumblr Posts

In the modern era, Tumblr is sort of an oddity of the internet. It’s kind of a throwback. A relic, almost. It has the sort of quiet intimacy that used to thrive on sites like Xanga and LiveJournal, for instance. And in an era when social media standardization and website-builder templates rule the majority of the web, Tumblr still has that...

30 Signs She Might Just be Using You

If you clicked this link, it might just be a subject you’re vaguely interested in, or maybe you were scrolling around and killing time on the train, or MAYBE you’re in a relationship that you’re worried about, and you want to see if the signs are there. In that last case, hold onto your hat, because this list is probably not...

23 People Share What It’s Like Living with a Schizophrenic

Let’s get something out of the way right up top here – before we talk about the experiences of Schizophrenia, we should define what it is. Because it’s not, as many people use it, a generic stand-in for any type of “insanity,” nor is it untreatable or necessarily the defining characteristic of a person’s...

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