Have you seen the new Tweets? Like, all of the new tweets? That keep pouring out of some unseen internet faucet every second over every minute of every hour of every day, threatening to drown us all in a deluge of Twitterdom from which there is no chance of escape? Have you seen those? If so, you can skip these as they’ll be old news to you....
You ever feel like you’re taking crazy pills because everyone around you seems totally into something you can’t stand? Well, you’re actually not alone, as evidenced by the response to this prompt on Ask Reddit: What are things that everyone loves but you hate? byu/badangpasaway inAskReddit Let’s take a peek at what...
Ready to talk about how much we all hate popular things? Here’s your chance thanks to Ask Reddit: What are things that everyone loves but you hate? byu/badangpasaway inAskReddit So, which thing bad, and not actually good? Let’s find out. 1. Celebrating failure. Shows like American Idol. I have secondary embarrassment on behalf of the...
It kind of blows my mind that “influencer” is… a) a recognized profession now b) something people are actually proud to claim “What do you do for money?” “I try to be popular on the internet so people will buy the stuff I tell them to.” It’s hard to imagine. So here’s a peek behind the...
As a very unexceptional straight white dude, there’s not a lot of times I feel like my answers or input is truly needed lately. But then I came across this prompt on Ask Reddit: “Girls, what inappropriate questions about guys have you always wanted answered?” My time has come. I will try to answer these apparently burning...
I’ve seen quite a few movies in my life – I even studied film for a minor in college. There are some flicks I love or admire with a passion, a few I hate, countless that I feel vaguely indifferent toward, but only one that I absolutely regret spending my time watching. That movie is called Hostel and it was an early entry in...
I’m single, as of recently, and I’m not quite ready to mingle. Because mingling is exhausting, and I’m not really allowed to go anywhere right now, and also…the kinds of reasons spelled out in the post on Ask Reddit: “What is a reason you are glad to be single?” Here’s what a few single Redditors had to...
I’m recently single, which is always a bummer of a thing to say out loud , so it was kind of encouraging to come across an Ask Reddit page with this prompt: “What is a reason you are glad to be single?” Why should I not be down in the dumps? Let’s find out! 1. All-around good. All of them. I am single for the last 10 years...
German teenage hairstylist Milena is pulling off some things that I’m sure a lot of people in her line of work would try their entire lives to be good enough to do. Her intricate hair designs are as fascinating as they are beautiful, and they’re freely available to enjoy thanks to her popular Instagram account hairstylist.dream. There...
There’s a hairstylist in Germany doing downright magical things with braids right now. Her name is Milena and she regularly posts her creations to her Instagram account hairstylist.dream, where tens of thousands gather to marvel at them. They’re incredibly impressive. Here are just a few! 15. Like flowers How do you even get that...