11 Men Reveal Their Feelings After A Partner’s Miscarraige

Peeing on a stick and finding those two solid pink lines is the start of what’s always a whirlwind ride of emotions. It might be a surprise. It might be something you’ve been trying to make happen for months, or even years. It might be something you’re not pumped out, or that your partner feared, or your parents think is...

10 People Share What It Was Like To Live Through Their Partner’s Miscarriage

When you’re just starting to think about and try for a baby, the idea that you could get pregnant and not end up with a baby is the furthest thing from your mind. For too many people, though, that nightmare scenario becomes a reality, and hundreds of thousands of couples have dealt with a miscarriage at some point during their journey to...

11 People Recall The Crazy Moments During Their Graduation Ceremonies

When you think of graduation ceremonies, you probably imagine a somewhat somber event. There are speeches, proud parents, and lots of camera flashes but until the end, with the tossing of the hats, people are usually on their best behavior. There are always people who like to shake things up a bit, though, so I guess it’s not surprising that...

10 People Whose Graduation Ceremonies Didn’t Go Exactly As Planned

Graduations are some of those life events that everyone has an idea of how they’ll go in their mind. They’re celebrations, they’re rites of passage, and we expect the day will go smoothly. Of course life is life and things sometimes don’t go according to plan – but if you’re prone to anxiety or are very...

11 Work Meetings That Got More Than A Little Awkward

I think that most of us believe that our time at work is supposed to be professional. We’re not supposed to have to worry about the kind of awkwardness or cringe-worthy things that can happen around family or while out in social settings, right? Most of us also know that’s just not always true, because human beings are human beings and...

11 People Who Regret The Mistakes They Made As Youngsters

Listen, everybody makes mistakes when they’re young. That’s when you’re supposed to mess up, when you’re supposed to learn and do better the next time, etc – but sometimes those mistakes can be big enough to follow us into adulthood. If you’re wondering what sort of flubs people made that caused regrets that...

11 Blind Date Stories That Will Definitely Skew Your Ideas About Love

We all want to believe in real, lasting love, I think. Some of us want to believe in something more than that – true love, or maybe even love at first sight. That hope that it exists is the thing that keeps us back out there and trying to find it, no matter how many disappointing experiences we have in the process. These 11 people are...

10 Adults Who Regret The Errors Of Their Youth

We all do things when we’re young that we would never repeat, for one reason or another, as adults. Most of us give our younger selves grace for those mistakes, because we don’t know any better and sometimes the only way to learn is to stumble and fall and pick yourself up again. There are some errors that continue to haunt people into...

10 People Who Had Some Seriously Crazy Blind Dates

We all want to believe that every date we go on has the potential to turn into something lasting and beautiful. And while that’s technically true, the fact of the matter is that you’ll probably have far more failures than successes before all is said and done. These 10 people might have gone into their blind dates with measured...

10 Work Meetings That Will Make You Cringe

When we attend work meetings, there are a few things normal things that might make us cringe – like the idea that it’s a waste of time, or we’ll have to skip lunch, or maybe someone is going to stay something really stupid and we’ll have to pretend they’re not a moron, right? That said, those things are child’s...

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